Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

How to Make Plastic Flower of Knickknacks

Goal : To tell how to make plastic flowers of knickknacks for home decoration. Beautiful home is not to be decorated with precious ornaments . Cheap materials such as knick knacks can also be made as a decoration for your home decoration. Example is the plastic flowers that can be placed in the living room as goods that adorn the room . The following is how to make plastic flowers. Materials needed is plastic knick knacks, plastic flower petals, plastic leaf petals, plastic leaf, wire, plastic thread, green ribbon. And tools needed is scissors and pliers. First, prepare the tools and materials to be used. second , knickknacks input into a plastic thread as much as six pieces in a circle to make flowers , and tie tightly . Make it , as many as six circles . Third , enter the six circles in the wire interspersed with flower petals. Fourth , if the flowers are formed , as a complementary input leaf petals . Next, wrap the wire with a green ribbon to give a wonderful impression on the rod and cut the rest of the ribbon with scissors . then , attach the plastic leaves on the sides of the wire as much as three leaves using pliers. finally , plastic flowers ready to be used to decorate. I have tips on using strong wire so that flowers can stand and use a combination of colors to be beautiful flowers.
Me and Sister Eka

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